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Monday, August 2, 2010

Done!? I think...

Well I finished the assesment! Sooo I think I am done. I am gonna keep visiting my flip flops and post funny stuff that happens this year so if you are a blog reader put me in your favorites!


Okay folks, I just completed the assesment for the 11 tools. That was tough... I don't remember seeing some of that stuff along the way... Thank goodness the score is not important.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Final Post(not really I like my blog and intend to keep it)

What I have really enjoyed about these tools is basically the blogging itself. I like having the ability to communicate by posting a quick comment(i.e. Facebook). I REALLY enjoy making the avatars I may have a new one each week. The students will enjoy making them as well. I also believe that the google docks will save a lot of time , money and paper. I am looking forward to seeing how they are used.
I am excited about using Skype to set up communication for my students with scientist in the Antarctic. I think that as they students realize exactly where they are they will be amazed!

Last year I used my Activeboard everyday, all day, with these techological additions I will be able to give my students a true global digital experience that they can participate in.

There were really no "wow" moments for me as I worked through these tools but I have enjoyed "lurking" through fellow teachers blogs to see what they are working on and what they plan on using their technology for. I especially like my voki and what he says... if you haven't heard you should press play.

Tool 11!! Last one!

Digital Citizenship, I feel is the most important thing to address before our students even touch any of the technology. They need to know the rules and be able to understand why they are there to keep themselves safe as well as keeping the technology working well for years to come.

I intend to have several lessons on the different aspects of citizenship and have both the students and their parent agree to and sign to some Digital citizenship rules before they are allowed to use the technology. That way everyone knows they have a responsibility to keep themselves, their work and the equipment safe.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Maybe tomorrow

Didn't get it done.. Maybe tomorrow during the race...

tool 10

The ipods will be a huge draw for our students. This is technology that is not readily available to them. I invision using them in centers and as a web quest tool. Giving then a set of directions will lead them to an end result. I looked at several science apps that will give the students some wonderful insight to things we may want to touch on but just don't have time to cover. The apps that I visited were from NASA and one called Planets

Tool 9- Gonna finish this today

I see Jing being used as a part of center work. I plan on using the netbooks as a center and using Jing students can show others what they have discovered. They can also use it to capyure and create images to use in flip charts.

Now Skype I am really excited about. I have a connection to a person that is actually working at a science station in the Antarctic. She is interested in connecting with students in America. I would love to work this into some experience for my students.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Hello again!!

Yes I have been gone for a while BUT I have not been absent. I completed the DDI course, I took and PASSED my PPR exam and I bought a new critter for my science classroom!! I'll get a pic and post it. I'll give you a hint arachnaphobic folks may not want to visit my room this year!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Tool 8

http://www.blinkx.com/watch-video/moon-phases/he2VPMcr1Hf0b3AZFO3pTg. I have been told that moon phases is a hard concept fot the kiddos to get. Here is a quick hip hop song that might help.

On a science kick today. This is a good video on energy sources in an ecosystem.

As you can see I went through blinkx for both resources.
By imbedding these into maybe a flipchart a lesson can be inhanced by your students seeing some examples in a different voice and from a different source. Some learners can connect with the visual experience more than the listening.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


I big thanks to Mrs. Gallagher, she showed me the website where you can get different backgrounds. Thats where I got my flip flops!!!

They're perfect!!!

Took a break!

Ok ok I haven't been here in a while. I had a prof develop at the beginning of the week and I spent the rest working on my mini grat app. Keep your fingers crossed I get it. The project will be super cool if it happens!!! Okay now I need to focus... next tool please...

Monday, June 14, 2010

I really enjoyed the Photo Story process. The only problem I had was taking the time to get my phptps from a different computer onto the one I am working on.

In the classroom students will be able to document and share progression of projects or just daily life and the can collaborate to create and edit text and content for their story.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Tool 6 Wild about wikis

I can see using wikis as both a home school communication and as a classroom tool. I already joined PBworks and started setting up a clasroom page. Daily assignments and projects can be posted as well as important dates that families need to be aware of. I am working on a classroom projest that will require the students to write, create and upload a weekly log. The wiki can be the place they go to share ideas of what they want to see on that weeks video.

While I was looking at some different wikis I found one where the teacher was out sick and she used her wiki to check on her students. It was really sweet.
Then there was another that was a great resource for lots of online tools.
New Tools Workshop
Check it out!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Tool 5 Too Hot need a break

It's too hot around here and I was playing with the new template designs. tha's why my blog has rain onit now.

Anyway I joind Diigo and Delicious untol I get a feel for one or the other. I think I will like the sticky note feature on Diigo.

Here are some pages I found
great grading ruberics for all of this technology stuff our students will have next year.

nice links and lessons!!

Now on to tool 6

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

tool 4

I think that google docs will save tons of time for all of those little "lets meet real quick "times. Face it we all know it's never real quick. This way we can get everyones opinions or ideas and have all that extra time for "planning!"

It could also be a way of sharing student work with their families.

3rd day on the beach.. The sun was high

The use of these video and imaging tools will really enhance my science lessons. I can see students using these in daily centers and for research projects. I think an animoto video would be a great way of showing parents what is going on in their childs classroom.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sunset @ 'Another World'

I found this on Flicker.. Isn't this where you want to be?

Monday, June 7, 2010

2nd day in the sun... Not burnt yet.

I am excited about joining this community and bringing it to my students lives. The few exposures to technology my students get are through the classroom and I want to make it as rewarding, interactive and fun as I can for them and their parents

When commenting on social media site I tend to be one of those short answer type of people. I can see how leaving something more thoughtful or incisive wouls be much more beneficial to the PLN.

Tales of a Fifth Grade Teacher
Fabulous 4th Grade Teacher
Live Laugh & Learn
Jello's 11 Tools
Writing with Mr. Fernandez
Are the blogs I would like to keep an eye on for now I am sure the list will grow!

First day in the sun

Well here it is. My first shot at this.. If the rest of the course is this fun I'm going to love it! I want to make 100s of avatars. I can't wait to use tool 2.