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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Final Post(not really I like my blog and intend to keep it)

What I have really enjoyed about these tools is basically the blogging itself. I like having the ability to communicate by posting a quick comment(i.e. Facebook). I REALLY enjoy making the avatars I may have a new one each week. The students will enjoy making them as well. I also believe that the google docks will save a lot of time , money and paper. I am looking forward to seeing how they are used.
I am excited about using Skype to set up communication for my students with scientist in the Antarctic. I think that as they students realize exactly where they are they will be amazed!

Last year I used my Activeboard everyday, all day, with these techological additions I will be able to give my students a true global digital experience that they can participate in.

There were really no "wow" moments for me as I worked through these tools but I have enjoyed "lurking" through fellow teachers blogs to see what they are working on and what they plan on using their technology for. I especially like my voki and what he says... if you haven't heard you should press play.

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